breakfast tacos

Nov 19 2004

It occurred to me that we haven’t blogged about our breakfast tacos. Really, Alex would be better qualified, because he pays more attention to food than, well, anyone I’ve met, but I’m here at the office early and I’m patiently awaiting our Friday morning treat.

We get them from a place nearby called “Tin Star“. The particularly fun part is that we never know exactly which kind of breakfast tacos we’re going to get, because different people keep enjoying the responsibility of doing the ordering. But, I have noticed that we always get at least four of the tacos made up of mostly potatoes. Man, those things are so tasty. I have to exert a considerable amount of self-discipline in order not to hog all of them.

My wife and I went to Puero Vallarta for our honeymoon, and there’s a certain sort of aroma that seemed to be built into every meal we had while there. Well, except for the martinis. Anyway, at work we usually get another tray of certain tacos that taste to me just like Mexico. It’s some combination of the eggs and pico de gallo, I suppose.

The thing is, looking over that menu, none of the tacos they list sound like the ones we get. I think we must have been ordering from them for so long that the people making up the tacos do exactly that: make them up. Definitely, if you get the opportunity, go after some of those “demi-glaze potatoes.”

“Demi Glaze” sounds like a bad alternative rock band name.


One Comment to “breakfast tacos”

  1. > The thing is, looking over that menu, none of the tacos they list sound like the ones we get.

    Actually, I can tell you exactly what we had on Friday, since I requested the order specifically. We had 4 x #2, 3 x #3, 3 x #4, 2 x #6 and 2 x #7 :) .

    By Alex on November 20th, 2004 at 3:48 pm

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