Every company has one. A class clown. A resident smart aleck. That guy who fills the quiet atmosphere with sudden outbursts of laughter. What not every company has is a brilliant designer who is not tethered to the ways that design used to be, or “should” be. At RD2 we don’t have time for that thinking. We embrace change and it takes people like Rob to keep us from getting stuck in stodgy design dogma.
Rob is a proud father of twins – A boy (Miles) and a girl (Ellie), who consume just about every waking moment. This makes him a ninja in time management skills. Additionally, Rob has run a half-marathon (2:18:00) and holds a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. It is probably also noteworthy that Rob survived his childhood in Tyler, TX with only sparse instances of “hick-ness” as a lingering result. Talk to him for a few minutes and you can tell!
Rob and his wife like dinosaurs…a lot.
Read Rob's posts on the RD2 Blog
Double Trouble