When you’re Southwest Airlines and you’re running one of the most recognized and awarded corporate blogs, you take your website performance and updates seriously. As the main portal for news and culture, Southwest wanted to make sure their users were getting the best experience from their website...
Migrating from ExpressionEngine to WordPress using an XML / WXR import file
One of my first projects here at RD2 was to migrate a site from ExpressionEngine over to WordPress. Part of that process involved making a hard decision:
“Do we migrate the content manually, create a custom database migration script, or is there a better way?”
It turned out that there was a much better way to accomplish what we were after. It was a little custom, but more importantly – it was reusable. The solution I came up with was to create a template within ExpressionEngine, that would output a WordPress XML / WXR import file...
My time at WordCamp San Francisco 2012
WordCamps have been going on for years across the globe, but where did they start? San Francisco 2006! Every year since then, San Francisco has hosted WordPress users and developers from across the world. I’ve never been to WordCamp San Francisco, or WCSF for short, but this year I decided I just couldn’t let it pass me up again...
The MIX Mobile App Now Available on iOS and Android
The Management Innovation eXchange (MIX) is an open innovation project aimed at reinventing management for the 21st century that is the brainchild of the world’s leading expert on business strategy, Gary Hamel...
Tracy Naftalis & Counsel Source – A 17 Year Journey

It’s not very often we have the opportunity to work with someone like . Tracy started her career as an attorney and had a successful decade long run as a practicing attorney. If you met Tracy, you would understand in a second why she left her career as an attorney to become a recruiter in her field. Tracy is masterful in the art of match-making in the arena where lawyers do business as lawyers. She knows the market, she knows the people, and she is not afraid to tell her candidates exactly what they need to hear. It’s her job to advise them to become the best possible lawyers they can be...
Drive to Discover: Responsive Design Meets Innovation

In May 2012, RD2 and Ford Motor Company of Canada launched the Ford Canada Blog, a new high-profile social property from Ford Canada. Determined to continue the innovation with Ford’s social properties, RD2 has been working quickly to get something else pretty awesome out of the labs and into production: the Drive to Discover tour microsite.
What’s unique about this new microsite is not simply that it’s another new property, but more so what we did underneath the hood to enhance the base set functionality WordPress brings to the table. Example: WordPress doesn’t allow for easy cross-posting from one WordPress website to another...
More Ways to Browse Dell Events!
Yesterday, we launched several new enhancements to the Dell Event Community Site...
Blog Southwest is All About the LUV
You don’t have to look very hard to see all the love that comes from Southwest Airlines. From free bag check-ins for their Customers, to their work in the community, to their great Employee recognition programs, they are a company that always focuses on recognizing it’s Employees and it’s Customers as the invaluable assets that makes them a success...